Saturday, December 02, 2006

If I Gotta Be Damned, You Know I Wanna Be Damned...Dancing Through The Night With You

Today, I start (and end) principle photography on "Severence Package," my 3-4 minute short film for my Intro to Media Production class. It should be a pretty sweet little thing, and I even worked in a small action scene that I'm pretty pumped about shooting. But first, I gotta get ridiculously caffeinated. I'm way to sedate most of the time to naturally pump people up to beating each other up. Never mind that that's the last thing we'll be shooting.

I saw Tony Scott's Deja Vu last night, which was pretty frickin' awesome. The first 2/3rds are better than the final act, but it works overall. And there is one of the best car chase sequences ever. Four words...time travel car chase. That they even thought it up was amazing, but it's a really cool innovative execution as well (as is most of the's the geekiest damn action movie since The Matrix).

I gotta think up a topic to research and lead a 10-minute discussion on for my speech class. Vanessa suggested "milk," which might not lend itself well to hours of research, but I do like the idea of getting graded on a discussion about milk. And I'm somehow kicking ass in that class (Pat can testify that my senior project should've been the indicator that if there was anyone who should never be allowed to give a speech about anything, it's probably me), so I can live losing a few points.

But this week should be fairly leisurely...I have a screening of Blood Diamond on Tuesday (which I'm psyched about...Leo DiCaprio talking in a sort of non-existant accent!), I'll do some research here and there for this discussion thing, and edit the hell out of "Severence Package." But the week after, I have a shitload of work - gotta turn in "Severence Package," lead the discussion, take a journalism final (it should be mentioned that this final is one of two things we're graded on in the class), and give a science presentation. Good times. And I keep hearing mixed reports as to whether or not we have a production would blow if we did though, 'cause I sucked it up on the midterm. But then it's break, and all will be right with the world.

Oh, and I am seeing The Nativity Story sometime this week. Mark my words.


At 12/03/2006 6:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dude, there are dairy people here who could go on for hours on milk. Granted, that's why they go to an ag school... But I'm sure you could manage ten minutes...


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