Chapter 98: In Which Scott Watches the Worst/Best Movie Ever and Heaps Praise Upon Cartoon Superhero Shows

Man, what a week. The last two, in fact, have been ah...let's say different, eh? Yeah. Good times.
I finally figured out how to use Torrents, and am currently in the midst of downloading the entire series of Justice League/Justice League Unlimited (in was changed to Unlimited in season 3), which say what you will, but it's definitely my favorite superhero show ever produced, and one of the best comic book adaptations (I have a hard time ranking that, Spider-Man 2, and Batman: Mask of the Phantasm; never let anyone tell you Batman Begins is the best Batman film ever made, because MOTP just hands it its ass). I love Batman: The Animated Series to death, but JL came about at a time when audiences were used to a different breed of TV show, and they could finally build and weave storyarcs that sometimes took more than one season to resolve. The 3-part "Starcrossed" that finished off season 2 is one of the best pieces of television I've ever seen, certainly in the realm of sci-fi/action/adventure; it really is just stunning, awesome work.
Unfortunately, these things are slow as hell and it'll probably take a month to finish up. Yeah. Balls.
torrents are clutch man. if you there are enough seeders its heaven. but i gotta keep my head down, like under a gig and a half a month, or else i might get in trouble with the admin. are there any school rules about downloading at emerson?
I'm not all the way sure about handing ass. I love mask and its probably a better movie, if only for the poorly shot action in begins but it had its own flaws.
but man that scene where the cops have batman surrounded on the construction site, so so good. great, subtle origin story too
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