Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Superficial Tuesday Observations

Howard Dean looks bad in high-def.

Wolf Blitzer and Jack Cafferty have the worst banter; Wolf is incessantly trying to impress Cafferty, who seems to genuinely hate him

Mike Huckabee and I have almost nothing in common, except apparently we both love John Denver.

Biggest news tease yet - a picture of a toddler being thrown from a burning building, and Wolf says, "you're going to find out what happened to the toddler, coming up next."

The guy they put in charge of the polls has an exact duplication of Wallace Shawn's voice. I keep expecting him to yell "inconceivable!"

Even if it's almost entirely fake, I really like that you can see people walking around parts of the Situation Room. It's like you're there!

Every commercial is geared for people who make over $100,000 a year. There was one for a job search site that only has "$100k jobs...for $100k people."

Lou Dobbs called the touch screen "magic," and I suspect he actually believes that.

Anderson Cooper just gave the death stare at the camera as they went to commercials

Campbell Brown is apparently the newest member of CNN's political team, but she's almost certainly the hottest. Abbi Tatton's Australian (New Zealand? British? who knows) accent ranks a close second.

Huckabee keeps referring to himself as "this old razorback." I don't even know what that means.

God damn it Huckabee, stop telling that story about how you were 8 years old and your dad took you to see the Governor because you might never get another chance to see a Governor and isn't it funny because you ended up becoming a Governor!

They managed to prop Larry King up for a solid hour (which still gets him out of the studio a little after 10 in LA, where he broadcasts from...meanwhile Carl Bernstein is ready to roll into the wee hours).


At 2/07/2008 11:32 AM, Blogger b said...

this post would fit right into the A&E and no one would bat an eye. well, its probably *too* funny


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