Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Holy Shit

Last night's Veronica Mars was impossibly good. Seriously. Watch this show. Ignore the part where teenage girls talk about what they liked about the show. The network's retarded, but the show is obscenely great.

Speaking of TV, it looks almost certain that Studio 60 will be cancelled, which really is too bad. I will say that since they came back from the break the show has declined a bit, but I really did like this week's episode and I still love the hell out of the characters, and I can really forgive any other flaws just watch the cast work with their characters and that dialogue, but it isn't the highlight of my week that it used to be (Veronica Mars is's also the most consistant drama around, and any inconsistancies are just it being even better).

Looks like Tony Blair's pulling out of Iraq pretty soon (I say Tony Blair and not Britain because I'm pretty sure he was the only one in Britain who wanted in to begin with). It's a pretty good sign, 'cause now Bush'll have even less people to back him up on this whole thing, but who knows...Bush knows his time in office is limited, and it seems like a pretty good bet that he'll just do whatever the hell he damn pleases.

Not that I'm really crazy about any of the Democratic nominees at the moment (although I'm a big Joe Biden fan, but he's gonna need people to you know...realize who he before he has a snowball's chance against Hilary and Obama). I like Obama a lot, like any other mildly-informed, left-leaning college student right now, but I really for the life of me don't understand the swell of support for him, and I doubt many other people can either. It feels like his whole career over the last two and a half years has been based on the fact that he gave the keynote at the Democratic convention in 2004, but I doubt you could find more than an eighth of the people in the damn "One Million Strong for Obama" group on Facebook who can tell you what the man stands for.

I'm not gonna be one of those guys who says he's too inexperienced to be President, 'cause 1) I'm all for fresh blood in the Oval Office, and 2) Presidents have advisors telling them the best way to eat their eggs. If the man's half as good as he's appearing to be, he'll know when to listen.

But it's all way too early for anyone, anywhere to care, and yet I find myself caring. Lame. I will say that never in a million years would anyone ever vote for John Edwards. He's boring and no one likes him and he screwed his political career when he jumped aboard John Kerry's camp for what was so very clearly a career opportunity. He also looks like he's fifteen.

My internet connection is failing me right now (somehow AIM is running, but I can't get Firefox to connect, and my Justice League download has stopped...only 1.84% to go!). Lord knows when this will end up being posted.


At 2/28/2007 9:20 AM, Blogger Ken Colwell said...

well articulated, re: politics! couldn't have said any of it better, especially about Obama.

my little sister watches Veronica Mars like it's her job. I managed to avoid it in favor of Scrubs... you think I should check it out?


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