Thursday, July 05, 2007

I was at the QFC on SE Milwaukee this afternoon and a woman of about...I'd say 80 years old or so, started walking past the meat counter chanting "Beer! Beer! Beer!" and laughing maniacally. And not in a funny way. It was actually kinda unnerving. She looked like a skeleton someone had hung some extra skin on. I grabbed my beef stir fry and booked it.

Some guy's comment on my review for Transformers..."You're an asshole." I do love anonymous posters.

Okay, so this weekend, I swear to Christ I'm gonna catch up on the staggering number of movie's I've yet to see. I just got paid, so I feel pretty good about diving in. If anyone has any interest in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Ratatouille, Sicko, La Vie an Rose, Live Free or Die Hard (which I guess we're gonna wait for until we do the marathon), or POSSIBLY A Mighty Heart (that'll be a push...might have to wait for the DVD, but if anyone else is interested I'm totally down), tell me now. Don't call me tonight, I'll be asleep by 7 (I hope...more in a second), but text or call tomorrow, because I'm just gonna dive right into it. The goal is to be completely caught up by next Friday, when Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out, and is hopefully the one movie this summer that'll live up to expectations. Granted, I still do need to see the last hour of Pirates 3, but if that ends up being the one movie, I'll be the only one who thought so. What'll you do.

Anyway, I'm going to bed at 7 tonight because I didn't get home last night until like 1 AM (and had to wake up by 4:40 as usual), and made the EXTREMELY unwise choice to have Wendy's right before bed. Okay now...the Wendy's was FANTASTIC. For about a year now, I've avoided them because they were so far off their game, but it was extraordinarily good and so close to being worth the extreme fast food hangover I woke up with this morning. Added to the fun today was a major sunburn on my feet from last night's beach trip! Walking was fun.

Annnnnnnnd OUT!


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