Thursday, May 24, 2007

A&E - Season Finale Wrap-Up

I shouldn't really be posting this until Studio 60 ends in a couple of weeks (for's definitely canceled, as opposed to before where it was just maybe canceled), but what the hell...everything else ended when it should. We'll just go in the weekly order.

24 - Didn't watch it, which is probably the worst thing you can say about a show like this, that's supposed to grab you by the throat and demand your attention week after week. I just got bored. So I missed last week's episode and didn't record the finale and I just don't care enough to watch either. It just ended up being kind of a boring show (and yeah, I've been told I caught it at a bad season, so save that comment).

Veronica Mars - About as great a season finale as you could ask for, especially considering this season, unlike seasons prior, had no central, season-long mystery that came to a major conclusion for the finale. Unfortunately, it ended up being the series finale, which is a damn shame because, much as you probably still don't believe me, this really was one of the best damn shows on this season. It never stopped being classier than its premise or network (it aired on the CW, home of crap) would suggest.

LOST - Holy shit. THAT'S a season finale. In the past four weeks or so, this went from a fun, genuinely entertaining show to one of the best shows I've ever seen. I have no idea why this show is so popular (it's the weirdest thing on network TV, that's for damn sure), but it shows audiences are a LOT smarter, and a lot more patient, than we give them credit for. If you've never believed the hype, you have seven months to catch up on three seasons of greatness before season 4 starts.

Scrubs - DAMN IT! Just when I thought J.D. was really progressing forward in a way that would set up a GREAT last season of the show, they had to end it with their most overused plot device. My guess? They were all set to end the series with all the characters all settled, then they suddenly got renewed and felt they had to come up with a cliffhanger. They could've done a lot better though. This season in general hasn't been up to par with the past (in which every season just got, for my money, better and better), but they were really onto something towards the end.

The Office - Not unlike LOST, this show seems to be unafraid to (apparently) wrap up what we assumed was the one consistency that would stick with the show throughout its run. This episode was just adorable in every way, and I'm giddy as hell over the direction they took Pam in in the weeks leading up to this. I love this show so very much.

30 Rock - Not the most memorable of endings, but they had to make something that could've simultaneously worked as a series finale (it will be coming back next fall though...and you should all watch it, because unlike everything else on TV you really don't need a history book to understand and enjoy any given episode), and as far as that goes, it really nicely bundled up the first season (and keeping seasons self-contained is something I've long-championed, so there's little to complain about there). This show was a huge surprise for me, because I a) hate Tina Fey, and b) scoffed that anyone should try to do the same concept as an Aaron Sorkin show, and think they could do it better. Well, a) Tina Fey is forgiven (maybe I'll finally watch Mean Girls), and b) I really can't compare the two...I love both of them, but for very, very different reasons.

Next fall has a host of new shows that look like balls. And with Veronica Mars and getting flushed, not to mention Studio 60 getting flushed, not to mention LOST staying gone 'til January, it looks like the tube will only be on for Thursday night Comedy Night Done Right (unless one of those new fall shows proves to be less balls than they look...I especially hope The Sarah Connor Chronicles works).


At 5/25/2007 1:11 AM, Blogger b said...

i just started watching veronica like four episodes ago. damn. it sounded like the a pretty crappy show, but she is so kickass. do you own any of the seasons? yeah i know. you told me so. hey, i got bored of scrubs before you got into it.

i think the sarah conner thing could be really cool.

my brothers and i got really into this nbc show, the black donnellys, but it got cancelled halfway through. they replaced it with wedding crashers, which they then cancelled. so i sympathize on studio 60.

i really like the idea of LOST running 16 straight episodes. that was one of the reasons i never got into it in the beginning, the extremely haphazard schedule. i'll hafta rent the dvds and catchup. when did they start doing flashforwards?

great post thanks man.


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