Friday, April 27, 2007


Heeeeyyyyyyy I'm 21. Eat it. No, not really. Thanks a ton to everyone who Facebooked and messaged and...I don't think anyone called...oh Chris called. Yay!

I wish I had cool stories to tell, but I really don't so much. My parents (being crazy, yet awesome) left all these presents at Maggiano's (the restaurant we hit tonight for the bday) with random descriptions that were to be given to the person who best fit the description ("For the luckiest one," who received a small book of fortune cookie writings, "For the one who's most precise," who received a tape measure," and so forth). And an inflatable moose head (there are times when I just KNOW my dad was behind something). I only had a little more than half a glass of wine for dinner 'cause I was feeling kinda icky today, so no crazy drinking escapades.

I pretty much woke up, watched Dog Day Afternoon, played a LOT of Super Mario World, realized I had to get my ass in gear to get ready for dinner, then came back, played some more Mario and some Halo, and now am typing this before bed. All in all, a pretty damn good birthday, especially considering all the homework I ditched out on (don't worry, whoever thought up the idea for the pizza with candles Senior year still takes it all home).

Top Five Birthday Messages...

5. "Did you know that you share a birthday with Marcus Aurelius, Muhammad, and Jet Li? And that Lucille Ball died on this day? And so did Osama Bin Laden according to Wikipedia." - Pat

4. "It's off baby" - Ben (in response to my away message that said "take your top off"

3. "Use extreme caution when open mailbox/packages a piece of cake may or may not be on its way to greet you!" - Cynda (this one actually scares me)

2. "2111111111!!!!!!!!!! yeah sucka! pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew!" - Mike Lower (a joke that could not possibly be more inside and more impossible to describe by text alone)

1. "scott if you drink to much....i will hold your hair. have a sweet ass b-day." - Spencer (I owe you an apology...we're watching Newsies in class to finish off the semester, and I actually really like it)

Anyway, thanks again everyone, and I can't wait to see all you Portland folk ASAP.


At 4/28/2007 6:37 PM, Blogger imac said...

man, i meant to call you...i really did. sorry

At 4/28/2007 9:48 PM, Blogger b said...

yeah i meant to call too but i suck

At 4/29/2007 12:08 AM, Blogger Cynda said...

i wasn't going to call scott i really wasn't I swear; you gotta believe me!!! And frankly i don't think i suck beacause of it, but thats just one girls opinion and im a little biased.


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