Wednesday, March 28, 2007

All-most...All-most...There We Go!

In the midst of apartment-hunting right now, which is seeing an increasing number of complications as the process moves along. It's a bitch, but it'll be worth it when it's all over (like next year...we're gonna pimp that place out...ya'll should visit). School's not helping either, but I've gotten into a pretty solid regiment of doing roughly half the work and it's working out so far (not looking forward to this semester's report card).

Finally started that script I've had in my head for years. Now granted I'm only three pages in, but hey, a start's a a start.

I was lucky enough to see a sneak peak of Hot Fuzz (the new movie from the guys who did Shaun of the Dead) on Sunday, and it kicked ass. The director put it best - it's basically Michael Bay taking Agatha Christie from behind. Good stuff.

I'm really ready for some nice weather. SUMMER.

Okay. Time to go take a shower and pray the drain on Shower #3 (easily the best shower on the floor) isn't still clogged.


At 3/29/2007 1:30 AM, Blogger b said...

don't keep me in suspense: clogged or unclogged!?!?!?!

its so cool you'll have an apartment, i'll hafta come somehow, maybe fall break. i can't wait till we're poor mofos living in a dump in portland together, eating shitty spaghetti and watching kung fu movies.

and ditto for the grades. gulp.

At 3/30/2007 1:52 AM, Blogger benjamin said...

THEN what will you do if this "Ben" shows up to our place? Asses will be kicked if I heard the words "Emerson" and "Ben" in that specific order.

At 4/02/2007 2:01 AM, Blogger magda. said...

the battle of the bens!


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