Thursday, March 01, 2007

Ay Dios Mio...

Got a coupla things going on here...

Barely slept all this week, and I can feel it catching up with me now. Unfortunately, I have another day of class tomorrow in which a rough draft of an essay is due on a book that I only sorta read. As long as I can keep it focused on the first half of the book, I'm solid (Invisible Man, FYI). I really liked that part of the book, but there's a very definite point in which I just lost all interest in the story. Don't really know why. The rough draft, by the way, will only really be seen in a peer review session, as our prof will be away at a conference (the only damn prof I've ever heard of that gets substitute teachers). Anyway, I haven't started it.

My room is also being taken over by people I...sort of know. I need to get a head start on the essay in order to not completely F myself in my own A tomorrow morning. Anyway, at least one of them's high, and a mildly-tipsy girl's been wandering in and out. I was going somewhere with this, but I can't remember.

Can't wait to have a week off (sort of...despite the presence of two essays, it's still a pretty solid week to myself).

Oh good, they're gone.

Oh, and there may or may not be cockroaches in my room. Big fun.


At 3/02/2007 3:30 AM, Blogger imac said...

I have a teacher who, despite there being an all faculty meeting where it was school policy to cancel class, somehow found a substitute to teach a class we shouldn't have had.


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