Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's ON!

We just signed the lease on a super-cool, swanky-as-hell apartment twenty minutes off campus (twenty by train that is, which for most of you probably seems like lightyears, but for Boston ain't as much as all that). Plus it's swanky as hell. Pictures coming soon, for sure. Anyway, you should all visit. AT THE SAME TIME.

That's really it. In a few hours I'll be catching AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE COLON MOVIE FILM FOR THEATERS (best title ever), the movie that sent Boston into a panic a few months back and now the mayor wants boycotted "out of respect to the people of Boston" (respect for who? no one was hurt! everyone was just super-duper inconvenienced. respect our inconvenience!). Be sure to vote on whether or not I cut my hair. The fate of the future depends on it.


At 4/19/2007 7:33 PM, Blogger Misha said...

Scott, I cannot decide about your hair. I'm stuck between enjoying boys with shorter hair, and realizing that you have effing awesome long hair. It's an enigma.


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