Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's OFF!

So...remember that awesome apartment that would've made me wake up each and every day excited for life? Gone. In more ways than one. But basically, I will now be living somewhere else entirely. It's actually in a better part of town (read: closer to cool movie theaters and stores, but probably more dangerous). It's cheaper though. Money's good. I'm really really tired right now (first day of work and I'm still only operating on two hours of sleep).

I have many, many days when I think I'm wasting four years with this Media Studies business. The extent to which it barely qualifies as a real major cannot be understated, and really I'll get out of school and sort of stay in it (the career will consist of a LOT of a research and writing...not so unlike school). But I watched a movie last night that reminded me why it'll be so easy, so interesting, and so invigorating to spend the rest of my life with movies (and TV and music and radio and such). So that was nice.

Work blew big time today. Spent all day in shoes and cosmetics. So much more tedious than the clothing departments.

For the first time in my life, I find The Doors interesting. Oh well.

The movie was Wild Strawberries if you're curious. It's a Swedish film. Yeah, it's pretentious as hell, but it's frickin' amazing.

Okay, I gotta go put some pants on and run to the grocery store.


At 5/16/2007 10:15 PM, Blogger b said...

the doors thing is just because you're tired. sleep soon!


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