Monday, April 30, 2007

Half Past Dead

In exactly fourteen hours, school's out. Well, I do have a class to show up for two hours after THAT, but that's just a show-up-and-leave kinda thing. Trust me, I'll be blasting "School's Out For Summer" at noon anyway. I cannot wait to be done. So sick of it. It's been a fun semester and I'll miss all the college folk, but I'm so sick of school I could spew (I'm also kinda sick in general, which blows chunks...not literally...yet).

Meanwhile, I still have a bit of studying to do for my last final, and will you look at that I have an essay due in two hours, and the only part of it I have yet to complete is the part about the play I never read and the film adaptation I never saw. Best...section...EVER.

It's Kirsten Dunst's birthday. Say whatever you want, she's a babe.

Go to this website and listen to the song that comes on. It's AWESOME.

I recently...acquired seasons 3-10 of The Simpsons (y'know, back when it was good). What a great TV show.

Spider-Man 3 in THREE DAYS. So excited. Too many commercials on TV. Then home. Then Beth's play. Then sleep and watch movies until work starts up mid-May. That first week of vacation will taste so good. If you wanna hang during that time, you'll probably have to get in touch with me, as I'll be somewhere between catatonic and lazy. Although I will want to drive...

Oh, and I got the feed working again onto Facebook, so if you're reading this there, you have about a month's worth of posts to go through. Stop whining, you know you're only on Facebook to waste time in the first place.

It was chicken and waffle night in the Dining Hall! And last night was turkey! Not fake turkey, but real, honest-to-God Thanksgiving turkey! Life can be so great...


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