Wednesday, June 25, 2008

You Know I'd Do Anything For You / Stay the Night But Keep it Undercover

I'll be home in a week and a half. I'd be excited if I were you.

I am so done with summer school. And by done I mean I still have three four-hour sessions to go. And it really has been the easiest class I've had at college yet (aside from European Cinema, that is). But nevertheless, I'm sort of torn, 'cause yeah I hated going to class and such, but it was also a pretty decent class. We just sit around and watch movies. There's very little learning involved. Or work.

So I've been bad about my commitment to Megazine, but that's because there's been this other thing in the works, which is that I'm now blogging over at CHUD, one of my absolute favorite film websites. Their system is really different from like every other blog system I've seen, but the easiest way to keep up is through this thread on their forums; that's also where people can go and comment. Anyway, I promised them an article a week at the very least. I still have commitments to Megazine, though, so...yeah. As if I wasn't busy enough, right?

I've never really been excited about the future before; it's always been a lot of dread or indifference. I kinda like this new set up.

I had an immensely satisfying lunch today (this isn't necessarily contributing to my optimistic view of the future, but it's not hurting it either). Nothing special, just a turkey sandwich, some Cape Cod potato chips (they're no Tim's Cascade, but I love them), an apple, and a Pepsi. But the turkey was so fresh and the apple so crisp and I had a few more chips than usual and it all went down so sweetly.

Sometimes at work computer monitors act up and I'm called in to hit them. Hulk smash!

Um that's all.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nothing Ever Grows in This Rotten Old Hole, and Everything is Stunted and Lost

Have you heard this nonsense that Dennis Kucinich is trying to impeach President Bush?

Now, let's make one thing perfectly clear - I wholly support this effort, if only retroactively. Impeaching Bush at this point, or even more so by the time they actually got around to the impeaching, would have absolutely no effect on anything. The only consequences would be to solidify and make absolute two things that will almost certainly happen anyway - Bush's legacy will be tarnished, and there will be legal record that the administration knowingly lied to the public in starting the war in Iraq.

First, the legacy. I know Bush is out there trying to get his public image back in order, but he's still the least-approved President since they started measuring the public's approval of the man in the Oval Office.* And nothing he started in the last eight years will end well, so there won't be any instance years from now where we say "Yeah, but if not for him, we wouldn't have THIS." At least not in any positive way. The closest he'll come to having a bright spot on his record will be for being there when 9/11 happened.**

As for Iraq...the only part of my above statement there that can't be proven using media records is the word "knowingly," and I'm sure you could even prove that with some digging. The jury's out of this.

So really, Kucinich, as much as we all appreciate the effort...too little, to late, friend. Isn't there something worthwhile all this time and effort and money could be spent on?

*Interestingly, he has a 60% approval rating among Republican voters, which explains much of John McCain's campaign, though that's still the lowest he's had since taking office.

**I did also hear a news story a few months back in which he personally took mosquito nets to children in some third world country (or possibly just New Orleans). There was a huge mosquito problem so he brought all these nets to the kids. I know it sounds small and a weird thing to bring up, but for all the complaining we do about the Government not offering concrete solutions to real problems, there's one right there.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Come On Come On and Dance All Night; Despite the Heat It'll Be All Right

It's hot.

Like really, really hot. Yesterday I checked the temp at 1:30 in the afternoon...98 degrees, feels like 101. The night before, Julie and I went for a walk at midnight and it was 85 degrees. Took me forever to fall asleep last night and my desire for an AC unit increases by the second. It's starting to cool down now, kind of...I walked out of my first shift today at 1 and it was 84 degrees, but I'm about to head out to dinner (it's 5:55) and it's now 92. How does that happen? Why are people dancing in these mortgage ads on the Weather Channel website?

Ben said I should mention this here - I'm calling for Stanich Sundays* while I'm home. Anyone who doesn't join in on this, without a legitimate excuse like work, will be considered a Communist and a traitor to their country.

Sometimes I wish I grew up in the age of the Communist threat. I know we have the threat of terrorism, but it's just not as interesting somehow. I think it's because there's very little concern that the terrorists will brainwash us into joining their cause. That was probably the coolest part of Communism. Probably. I dunno. Wasn't there.

So pumped for some Hold Steady next month.

The library says I have a book out that I'm fairly certain is in fact in. I'll be investigating shortly.

John McCain needs a running mate. Everyone's obsessed with who Obama will pick, but the man's only been the nominee for a week. McCain should step it up.

The cursor in TextEdit blinks at a different rate than the one in Blogger. I really didn't sleep much last night.

I'm going to post this for now; there may be updates later as I am stuck at this shift for another two hours.

*Other days of the week will be taken under consideration.

EDIT (7:40) - The Lovin' Spoonful is such a great band. Maybe not great, but damned good.

EDIT (7:43) - Did you know The Temptations provided back-up vocals for "Superfreak" by Rick James?