Fear and Loathing in Somerville
This morning I woke up and noticed a pretty significant amount of snow on the ground. So I hit up weather.com to see just what was going down, and found that not only would it be snowing all day, but there was a SEVERE WEATHER ALERT. Then it hit me - maybe Emerson'll be closed today! I hit up the website - "Emerson College will close at 4:00 pm."
Well HELLS YES, right? I mean, I have class from 2-4, but at least I don't have to work my 4-8 shift. Right? RIGHT?
For reasons beyond logic and...reason...here I sit, where I sit every Friday, and I get up and walk around every fifteen minutes to check up on five labs, two of which are being used by a combined three people. The other three...completely empty. Of course they are, though. The College is closed.
Anyway, the good news for me is I have somewhere (here) to vent all this, and the bad news for you is that you feel compelled to read it, even though the whole time you're saying to yourself "mmhmm...yeah...well, okay...that kinda sucks...what?...oh, okay."
I do wish I had something of substance to write about, something that could take my mind off this wretched shift and entertain the masses.
Well, there's this - remember how in the last post I was like "blah blah blah lunar eclipse blah blah blah it's cool but I wish I didn't have to be afraid of getting knifed blah blah blah"? Yeah, well, I said it. Check it out. So last night around 10:30 I was walking home from the grocery store with my roommate Gray when he suddenly said "dude, walk quickly."
There's only one reason anyone says this when walking around a city at night. So in addition to quickening my stride, I kept an eye on our shadows, conveniently located in front of us, to see if another one would join. We got about a block when Gray said, "All right, we're good. That guy totally had a knife. Like, out. He was just holding it."
And that'll be the last time I take the "peaceful route" at night. It's all main drag from here on out!
The worst part is that if Gray got stabbed and I had to call 9-1-1, I don't think I could say for sure if we were in Somerville or Cambridge at that point. Of course that wouldn't happened. Because we would totally take the would-be-stabber.