Some Thoughts For That Post-Christmas, Pre-New-Year Times
Beautiful women never need their tires rotated...I've been to the Jiffy Lube and Les Schwab Lord knows how many times, and I've yet to see an attractive woman at either. And I don't mean Angelina-Jolie-lookin' women (who I believe just have a small army of men around them to do their bidding..."go get groceries!"), I just mean even marginally attractive. Not that I'm looking to pick up women at such locations, but it does baffle me. I also never sit next to attractive women on airplanes. Perhaps I'm cursed...
I bought the first season of Saturday Night Live on DVD after Santa found it fit to not put it under the tree this year, and it is marvelous. Worth every cent it took to get one-day shipping on it.
Dreamgirls is awesome.
Studio 60 and Veronica Mars need to come back right now.
Girl Talk is not a fun game, no matter what you might have heard.
My room was insanely cold for the last few days. Tonight it's pretty warm I guess.
The Ramones are a great, great band.
Meat Loaf's just-released Bat Out of Hell III is kinda disappointing so far. I need a serious sit-down with it to be sure.
These are the bands I go to immediately upon entering any record store - The Beach Boys, Joni Mitchell, The Ramones, Meat Loaf, and Queen. I check both the LP and CD sections for these. All other bands (including Zeppelin, the Stones, KISS, even the Beatles) are totally incidental. The realization of this practice leads me to believe that my Top 5 bands may not have been what I had long suspected.
Being sick over Christmas Break is the pits. I was sick last year, too, only I was lucky enough for it to be after New Year's. I've got a mere two days to get my wits back about me. Luckily, I still have a healthy stack of DVDs on the coffee table in my basement. I'm strolling through SNL and Seinfeld Season 7, plus I've knocked out Little Miss Sunshine, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (which I still insist is, in fact, better than the first one), and A Prairie Home Companion, but still Clerks II, Mission: Impossible III, the second season of Veronica Mars, Batman Begins, Superman Returns, and two seasons of The West Wing (Cynda?) remain untouched. And two books...Katie, Killing Yourself to Live is fantastic thus far. And yeah...that's pretty much where all my Christmas cash went. Hurray!
That's pretty much it. Go back to whatever you were doing. It was probably more interesting.