And although the trailer's a whole load of crap (this is what happens to you in film analyze the editing of fact, even commercials start to interest you in ways you'd never have ever wanted them to), the movie itself
looks pretty frickin' sweet.So let's summer kicks off with
Spidey 3. Then the new
Pirates (and holy hell do people hate that second movie...I had no idea). Then the new
Fantastic Four (screw you, I'm looking forward to it!). Then the new Pixar movie, only it could actually be good 'cause it's by the guy who did
The Incredibles and not
Cars, which'll be released the same day as
Die Hard 4: Yeah It'll Be Lame But You're Looking Forward To It Anyway. Then
Transformers. Then
Harry Potter. Then
The Simpsons Movie. Then the new
Bourne movie (hey, forgot about that one).
Yeah, summer's cool.
Uh-hum...I can't express how many different things I could really be getting done right now. I need to write a paper that I was supposed to start last night (they had
Freaks & Geeks on in the common room...whoever says "no" to that might secretly be one of the Borg), I got another hour of a rented movie to watch, I have a science quiz to take (which, rumor has it, might take more than a half an hour this time), and I still have letters to write (whoops). Okay...I'll do the letters right now.
Did I mention I'm going to see a nude play tomorrow? Yeah. I know. A play done entirely in the nude. That's assuming my ticket hook-up pulls through for me. Apparently there is like a deeper meaning and hidden messages and stuff, but you know what, I can deal with that. Also, my roommate said he heard it was two and a half hours long, so either that nudity better be pre-tty interesting or that deeper meaning better be pre-tty deep, otherwise I'm leaving at intermission (which I have a feeling a lotta people will do; the trick is to not make it look like I just came for the nudity...perhaps I'll fake-answer my phone and scream "HE DID? Stay right there, stay calm, I'm coming over now!"...that'll show 'em).
And before anyone asks, there are men and women in this play, but despite my perfect peripheral vision, I can narrow my focus down when necessary. Alan Toffler recommended bringing a sheet of paper to hold up and move around to block the necessary male figures. Alan Toffler is a wise, wise man.
Incidentally, Maggie, I already wrote about the nude play in your letter, which I think makes about 70% of the letter purely stuff I've already talked about right here. So now you're getting a new letter!
Actually...the letters will have to wait until science class tomorrow. Unless...hang on...killer, no movie tomorrow, which means lights on, which means letter-writing. Sorry, gang, that's just how I roll; nothing ever happens in that class, and there's only so many times you can check everyone's blogs praying for a midday update.
Oh Lordy my laundry's done.