Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Fantasticar

I know I'm like the only person who thought the Fantastic Four movie was actually pretty damn good (except Jessica Alba playing a scientist, which was saved somewhat by her looking like Jessica Alba...and Mr. Fantastic's stretching effects were a little shoddy). It dared to never once go grim-and-gritty and keep a very light, fun tone to the whole thing that I really dug. But this picture especially got me really pumped for the second one - Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. And that the Silver Surfer is being played by Doug Jones, who was Abe Sapien in Hellboy. And Gallactus shows up at some point. Anyway, the whole thing has a cool opportunity to be a fun, old-fashioned galactic space movie.

Best 2 Hours of TV

Say what you will about NBC's current line-up (Studio 60 rocks...and just about everything is better than frickin' Grey's Anatomy...good Lord do I hate that show), but they are the only ones who have anything funny on in primetime. Oh wait, they have three funny things on in primetime. What? Oh, right, now they have four.

Starting tonight...

8:00 - My Name is Earl
8:30 - The Office
9:00 - Scrubs
9:30 - 30 Rock

Yeah, I'll admit it. I like My Name is Earl. And despite my sworn hatred for Tina Fey, 30 Rock is a genuinely funny show. But if nothing else, the solid hour block of The Office and Scrubs is solid gold, as they are without a doubt the two funniest shows on television (besides South Park, which is and will always be genius). Anyway, I'm pretty pumped.

DAMMIT! Just looked at the TV Listings and Grey's Anatomy runs through the 9:00 hour! I smell a common room TV war unlike any seen before. I hate you, Grey's Anatomy...I hate you so much...

Ahem. Yahoo is reporting that people playing the Nintendo Wii are getting out of hand and breaking their windows and TVs with the remote when it slips after a hearty round of bowling or whatever the crap they're pushing on that system. I will admit that, having seen the Wii in action, I may have been wrong about what a crappy idea the whole thing is, but I will also say I cannot envision any game in which you'd be wielding the remote with such force that it would actually fly from your hand. But I'm also stuck on that damn dream level in Max Payne, so it's all relative.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Just Finalized My Schedule

It was looking pretty bleak for a second there (for most of the morning, I had three classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays...yikes), but I really like what I've ended up with...

- Theatre Into Film (12-1:45)
- U.S. Multicultural Literature (2:30-3:45)

- Intro to Christianity (10-11:45)
- Media Criticism & Theory (2-3:45)

- U.S. Multicultural Literature (2:30-3:45)

So yeah, bad news is I got Fridays. Good news is Friday doesn't really start 'til 2:30, so I can still wake up at 1:30 and get by. And it fulfills two gen-eds in one class. Bonus. Also, I got my schedule mostly in the 12-4 range I was aiming for, and I'm willing to take the hit to take this Christianity class (apparently the professor's pretty damn smart). I didn't discover the Theatre Into Film class until about 20 minutes ago (a full five hours after registration opened for me), but I'm really glad I did. Someone on Rate My Professors said that if you like writing about movies, take that class with that guy. Works for me. And I've been wanting to take a theatre class. Of extra bonus is that I don't have any classes back-to-back (i.e. more than a 15-minute gap between classes), which is reeeeaaaaalllllly nice.

I just remembered my advisor told me we were supposed to be getting faculty advisors before Thanksgiving...damn. Wonder if anyone else did.

P.S. Ian, the 20 eps of Veronica Mars is actually a good thing; the original season order was for 13, so we get an extra 7 episodes of greatness. Actually, speaking of VM, I forgot to mention, but last night's episode wrapped up the first of three arcs that'll go on during the season. So the next episode in the season will launch a whole new arc, making for a great jumping-on point. I don't think there will be any more new ones until 2007, but I'll post the hell out of it as soon as I hear about it.

Glad you watched, Rachel.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thank The Lord For The Night Time

Sometimes it seems like Veronica Mars is made just for me...last week, a huge Big Lebowski nod, and this week...a Neil Diamond tribute band at a frat party.

On an unrelated note, my parents sent me a massive fold-out chair. It's comfy as hell, but has no practical use in a dorm room. Maybe I'll carry it around on my back and unfold it at random convenient locations. Like class. Money.

Figuring Out Classes is a Pain...

But I think I've gotten a pretty good schedule down, which I'll only know for sure tomorrow a little after 10 when I register, and two of these have very few seats left, and I think there's a solid 4 or 5 hours left of registration today. I really wish they just opened it up all at once so all that counted was how hard you were willing to work to sign up.

But I should be able to get into my Top 2 picks, Intro to Christianity (I know, the one religious class at Emerson) and Media Criticism with Hannah Johnston, who I had for one of the History of Media Arts classes and made it the only class college class yet that I've actually looked forward to going to. American Women Writers will likely be barred from me, as there are only 3 spots left (I'm only taking it because it covers TWO gen-eds, but so does my second pick for that slot, U.S. Multicultural Lit, which actually meets at a better time, so that wouldn't be too bad). Where things could get ugly is if I don't get into this Organized Behavior class, which only has 4 seats left and would most likely force me into a schedule in which I have three classes on Thursday, which would blow chunks. I know, it's rough when you don't go to a real school.

Saw The Fountain again last night. I'll spare you, but...yeah, c'mon, just see it.

No, Ben, didn't finish Cider House Rules. I'm 310 pages in now though, and I was only like 140, 150 in before last weekend. So that's something. But I now have The Way to Win: Taking the White House in 2008 and The Prestige waiting in the wings, and I really just wanna get through Live From New York (which is still good, but I think they're holding back a lot of the backstage drama now that they're into the cast that was current at the time of the book's publication)...and I really wanna read Killing Yourself to Live (thanks, Katie).

I have a science paper to write for Thursday? Whoops. Good news is the assignment is imagining the effects on a category 4 hurricane hitting Boston (and bonus points for whoever comes up with the coolest name for the hurricane). Bad news is...totally forgot about it. Tomorrow night'll be fun.

I discovered a pretty cool little show (pun TOTALLY intended) over the weekend on TLC called Little People, Big World. There were a ton of commercials for it before the movies last summer, and it looked decent but never gave it much thought, but you know what, I actually really liked it. Anyway, you get a chance, give it a look-see. Also, they live in Oregon, which I discovered once that carpet at the airport looked WAY too familiar.

That was probably the most boring post ever. If it were possible for you to see me, I'd dance for you right now just to improve it.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Man Oh Man

I am beyond exhausted right now. Not ready to sleep in the slightest, but my back is in a tremendous amount of pain right now after straining it this morning yanking at my backpack (which was conveniently hooked onto something at the time, making the pull rather difficult). But it was an awesome weekend and totally worth the excessively-long train ride (8.5 hours!). And I saw DC! I was beyond pumped, you have no idea. Saw the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial and the White House. Patriotism is considered a little uncool right now, but screw that...I'd never really had an excuse to go to DC and I love all that stuff. Also, I don't know if I would've really appreciated it until the last couple of years, so in some ways it was a good way to go.

But yeah. All in all, awesome trip and I wasn't really ready for it to end. Until I was about four hours into the train ride. Then it couldn't end soon enough.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Updated Remotely From Somewhere Just Outside of Washington, DC

Have you seen The Fountain yet? 'Cause I can't wait to go back into it.

Right now I'm at the Pitman estate in some town I can't even remember the name of, but it's about 45 minutes outside of DC. So that's cool. The train ride was excessively long (8 hours doesn't really seem too bad until you actually do it), and I'm really not looking forward to doing it all again on Sunday, but it's been worth it I'd say. I think I might win for Best Thanksgiving Moment of the Year when, at around 9 in the evening, one of the guests yelled out, reaching into the closest, "Lacie, I tell you, it wouldn't quite be Thanksgiving if I didn't have to replace your toilet paper!"

Crap...forgot to send everyone's letters. I suck.

I also didn't make it to the nude play Tuesday night. A buncha things were being sorted out to get outta Boston the next morning, and it didn't work with all the scheduling. My roommate went though, and said it sucked but that one of the girls was hot. Okay.

Well, dinner's just about ready. Adios.

Monday, November 20, 2006

HP Teaser Now Up

And although the trailer's a whole load of crap (this is what happens to you in film analyze the editing of fact, even commercials start to interest you in ways you'd never have ever wanted them to), the movie itself looks pretty frickin' sweet.

So let's summer kicks off with Spidey 3. Then the new Pirates (and holy hell do people hate that second movie...I had no idea). Then the new Fantastic Four (screw you, I'm looking forward to it!). Then the new Pixar movie, only it could actually be good 'cause it's by the guy who did The Incredibles and not Cars, which'll be released the same day as Die Hard 4: Yeah It'll Be Lame But You're Looking Forward To It Anyway. Then Transformers. Then Harry Potter. Then The Simpsons Movie. Then the new Bourne movie (hey, forgot about that one).

Yeah, summer's cool.

Uh-hum...I can't express how many different things I could really be getting done right now. I need to write a paper that I was supposed to start last night (they had Freaks & Geeks on in the common room...whoever says "no" to that might secretly be one of the Borg), I got another hour of a rented movie to watch, I have a science quiz to take (which, rumor has it, might take more than a half an hour this time), and I still have letters to write (whoops). Okay...I'll do the letters right now.

Did I mention I'm going to see a nude play tomorrow? Yeah. I know. A play done entirely in the nude. That's assuming my ticket hook-up pulls through for me. Apparently there is like a deeper meaning and hidden messages and stuff, but you know what, I can deal with that. Also, my roommate said he heard it was two and a half hours long, so either that nudity better be pre-tty interesting or that deeper meaning better be pre-tty deep, otherwise I'm leaving at intermission (which I have a feeling a lotta people will do; the trick is to not make it look like I just came for the nudity...perhaps I'll fake-answer my phone and scream "HE DID? Stay right there, stay calm, I'm coming over now!"...that'll show 'em).

And before anyone asks, there are men and women in this play, but despite my perfect peripheral vision, I can narrow my focus down when necessary. Alan Toffler recommended bringing a sheet of paper to hold up and move around to block the necessary male figures. Alan Toffler is a wise, wise man.

Incidentally, Maggie, I already wrote about the nude play in your letter, which I think makes about 70% of the letter purely stuff I've already talked about right here. So now you're getting a new letter!

Actually...the letters will have to wait until science class tomorrow. Unless...hang on...killer, no movie tomorrow, which means lights on, which means letter-writing. Sorry, gang, that's just how I roll; nothing ever happens in that class, and there's only so many times you can check everyone's blogs praying for a midday update.

Oh Lordy my laundry's done.

Anyone Else Disappointed That Katie Didn't Leave Tom At the Altar?

Well, my review for The Fountain is up at (conveniently typed out for whoever reads this on Facebook). It's the most difficult piece I've written yet, and I've literally been writing it since Wednesday night (you should see my notes). It ended up longer than I'd hoped for, but what'll you do. At least it's not as long as the Elizabethtown review.

That's really all I got. In my mind people aren't really checking The Gravy anymore, so I wanted to make sure people at least knew it was there...I'll post stuff later, but right now I'm really tired. And I gotta shower and go get lunch. Take it easy.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Damn You RC!

I know, why would I say such a heinous thing?

Well, a...week ago ish, I sent an e-mail to the RC company asking where I could find RC Cola in the city of Boston. This was in hope that I could attain a free case of RC, which I've heard works at other companies. Instead, they actually sent me a list of places I could get it. Which would be all well and good if the closest location wasn't FIVE MILES AWAY. Dear God.

I'm putting the finishing touches on the Fountain review, which might be the most pointless review ever because I think I've made my feelings clear about it, but no one's posting on The Gravy, and these reviews have gotten us through dark times in the past. If The Gravy dies, it won't be my fault dammit.

I thought I had more stuff to talk about, but I guess not. Which is a phrase I use much too often.

P.S. My brother was right...I did laugh harder at Snakes on a Plane.

P.P.S. WB actually posted a 10-second teaser for the trailer of the new Harry Potter. It's pretty lame, but I know my audience.

EDIT: Oh, yeah, I did have one other thing...nobody's commented on my posts here in awhile, which actually does concern me. Partially because it feels like no one's reading, and partially because I think I might be losing my touch. So comment. Comment with anything!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Finish It

Today was an altogether strange day. As I walked out of the theater last night, I knew The Fountain was a movie that would be rattling around in my head for awhile as I tried to sort of figure it all out. It'll definitely take a few more viewings before I totally realize not only all of what's in the story, but all of what its effect on me was and is and will be. But I'm not kidding, it was all I could think about today. I haven't even put on any music yet. I'm writing up a quasi-review, because I only have an inkling of what the movie's all about, but I gotta get that much out there.

I was talking with my buddy Mike earlier today (he went to the screening with me), and while we differed on our views of some of the film, we both agreed that we've never been so immediately drawn into a film and held there so firmly for the duration. I literally couldn't speak after it was over and the credits were rolling. And I've sort of been in that state of awe, wonder, and curiosity all day.

In some ways I am glad I missed that screening a month back. Waiting so long to see it again would've been torture. As it is, a week to a week and a half seems too long.


No Shave November's going pretty sweet. I doubt I'll be able to keep all of it over Thanksgiving (gotta love being a guest in someone's house and showing up all scraggly, swearing it's a matter of brotherhood). But I got a good look going.

People who've sent me mail, I swear to God I was going to write to you all on Tuesday, then a ton of crap came up, then Wednesday was The Fountain, so I'm gonna start in on some tonight and definitely have everything mailed on Monday. You can read them over your turkey. AND LIKE IT.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Together We Will Live Forever

I just saw The Fountain. Now I just have to process it. But it's the best movie I've seen this year, that much I know. It's the best I've seen in a long, long time, actually. Maybe ever. I...I have no idea how it'll play to anyone else. I really don't. But it comes out November 22nd.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Not Gonna Lie...

I'm having a pretty frickin' sweet day. First, totally nailed the speech. Just cleaned house with it. Then I changed my major to something I didn't even know existed, which is Media Studies. It's basically studying movies and TV and pop culture like you do with literature. I know, right? The idea is by the end of school I can get a job writing about all that crap. Which is pretty much my dream job because I do all that for free right here anyway. There'll surely be a shitload of work involved, but I've been in college almost three semesters, and this is the first time I've actually been excited about the classes I have ahead of me.

Oh, and it's the first suit day of the '06/'07 schoolyear. I tell you, these suit days...they have a power beyond any you could possibly imagine. That's why they're so rare...wield this power too much and you'll only become corrupted by its might.

EDIT: Also forgot to mention that I finally connected with the guy who works the grill at the Diner, and got a fantastic hamburger and fresh fries...and that guy never gets me fresh fries.

2nd EDIT: Holy crap...I'm going to see The Fountain tomorrow. This day just went over the top into tomorrow. It does mean I can't see Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny, but compared to The Fountain, not a sacrifice at all.

Living Up to the Legends

I really shoulda picked something I didn't give a crap about.

For our latest speech assignment, we had to find a piece of...lemme see the wording...we had to find "a provocative piece of comtemporary literature." This could be anything from a speech to a poem to a monologue to any piece where someone talks for roughly 3 minutes.

I picked the "Mad As Hell" rant from Network. Now, I LOVE Network. It's on my big list (35ish) of my favorite movies, and would almost certainly make my desert-island Top 10 (the Top 5...probably not so much). First, if any of you wish to at all have any insight into the state of television, especially the news department, in recent years, you owe it to yourself to see this movie. It's frighteningly (word?) brilliant work. And the "Mad As Hell" speech is its most famous part. And it involves a lot of screaming. It's a wonderful speech and I'm thrilled that I can get away with doing it (well, I guess that has yet to be seen). But it's up there with the best monologues ever in film history from one of the best screenplays ever written, delivered by an actor who would later (justly) win an Academy Award for the role.

And especially not actor...that's pretty daunting stuff.

But I'm going in with my lucky brown three-piece suit (which will totally come off as a specific choice that I'll be unable to explain), and I love the piece enough that I hope at least that comes out. For now, I gotta write another two pages on the "choices" I made to deliver it (I'm pretty much mimicking, to the best of my ability, the guy's performance).

Monday, November 13, 2006

Guess What?

Taking notes in class today, I spelled "pharmaceuticals" right on my first try. Oh yeah. Who wants some?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

You Know What's Strange?

Anytime anyone in any current interview or statement or whatever says "ten years ago," I automatically assume they're talking about 1990. But ten years ago was frickin' 1996! Almost '97, really. I have no idea why this is at all, but it just is.

This came up because I was listening to a podcast of The Rick Emerson Show (the best radio show ever) and they were inteviewing - of all people - Joshua Jackson. In case you' me, and don't know who Joshua Jackson is, he was on Dawson's Creek, a show I have never once watched. I think I was accidentally watching like two minutes of a scene at someone's house some time ago. But anyway, really cool interview.

Cross your fingers for me...I may yet get into a screening of The Fountain this weekish.

Also, I have to go see a speech outside the Emerson environment Tuesday, and suddenly realized it could be impossible. Then I found this event at the Harvard Bookstore on Monday (and I swear to God, if the Fountain screening ends up being at the same time I will kill somebody) with this guy from ABC News who's analyzing Hilary's prospects for taking the White House in '08, and how the Clinton and Bush families have been analyzing and studying each other to strenghten their individual campaigns. He wrote a book called The Way to Win, which depending on how well this whole thing goes, I may just read. Which is retarded because I'm just now getting close to finishing Live From New York (by which I mean within 163 pages of completion, so not really THAT close), not close at all to finishing The Cider House Rules (174 of 552 pages), and I really got chapter into 102 Minutes (which is due back next Sunday, so I'm clearly not finishing that for some time). How did I go from not reading at all to reading frickin' everything?

P.S. On a related note, probably the only good part about the possibility of Hilary and Jeb Bush running for President is that we could have Bush vs. Clinton again. Never mind. It WOULD be the only good part.

Well, It Took Four and a Half Years

But Saturday Night Live may have just found its footing once again. Last week's ep was solid, but this week's episode was pretty frickin' fantastic, with one sketch that'll easily go down as a classic, political humor that discovered making fun of the left can be funny too, cameos that were actually funny, and...a Tony Bennett-Christina Aguilera duo (and it rocked). It helped that Alec Baldwin was hosting, and he's...y'know, funny. And Steve Martin, Martin Short, Paul McCartney, and Tony Bennett showed up. So the real test'll be next week when all they have to push the cast is...Ludacris. I shouldn't knock the guy though, because he, as Crash taught us, can actually act (and believe me, that's ALL that Crash has taught us).

I was supposed to be working on a film shoot this weekend. Then I guess they lost the lead actor? I dunno. Whatever. Half my friends are out of town, another's sick, and yet another was on a film shoot that worked, so my Saturday was left with a whole pile of nothing. Ended up seeing The Prestige again, and absolutely went nuts for it. I liked it well enough the first time, but I dunno, it just rocked my socks this time around.

P.S. Forgot to answer the question, but yeah, I drew The Pitcher myself...all the characters were hand-drawn...really, all the stuff that looks hand-drawn. Except the catcher. That was pure online magic. As for the fate of The Outfielder...I leave that to your enterpretation. Huzzah!

P.P.S. I really have no idea what "huzzah" means, or for what purpose people use it.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Spider-Man 3 Trailer Tonight

As some of you may remember, the Spider 3 teaser trailer blew our collective balls away back in late June when Superman Returns was released, and pretty much ever since then we've all, to one degree or another, been eagerly awaiting the full trailer. Anyway, word 'round the campfire has the trailer before the (increasingly-badass-looking) new James Bond flick, Casino Royale. But who wants to wait?

Tonight, the CBS Television Network has a massive collective effort going that's aiming to make it so, if you have your eyes open at 10 EST tonight, you'll see the Spidey trailer. So at around that time tonight (I'd flip the TV on at 9:50ish to be safe), turn your tuner to BET, CBS, Comedy Central, Logo, MTV, MTV2, Spike, or VH1, and you'll catch it. If not, it will be online at that time or immediately following it over at iFilm. So yeah, as far as I can tell, you gotta adjust that time for your time zone - 7 for the west coast, 8 in the mountains, 9 in the (disappointingly-labeled) central.

I'm catching a sneak screening of Stranger Than Fiction tonight at 8, and while IMDb informs me I'll make it back just in time (love having a theater next door), you can never tell with these Hollywood types, but I'll at least watch it online the second I get back to the dorms and post about it immediately as it's likely to send me into a geeky frenzy only matched by the day when this proposed Freddie Mercury biopic comes out or saying "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium."

EDIT: Fuckin' A.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I can't believe election day almost passed me by without my own personal input.

Who among you voted? WHO I ASK?

Well, I didn't. Proudly. And it's not because I don't think my vote will count, either out of some concern about the voting machine's effect on the democratic process, or even the classic "what difference does one vote make?" No, I'm still hopeful (naive, some might say) to believe my vote does count, which is precisely why I didn't vote.

See, here's the thing, kids - I didn't have a clue about what I'd be voting for. Sure, I could've looked into the issues and the candidates and made an educated, informed decision about Portland's future, but 1) I didn't, and 2) Even if I did, I don't live in Portland full time (my computer's calculator informs me I'm there about 42% of the year). Thus, I don't really know the concerns the city REALLY has, and what would be best for even my neighborhood. It would actually be irresponsible, and a misuse of my democratically-given right.

So for those of you who did exercise your right to vote, I salute you. For those who didn't, now you have a solid reason why not.

UPDATE: Best...story...ever: VOTER ATTACKS TOUCHSCREEN MACHINE - "He just snapped!"

So THAT'S Where My Tuition Money Goes!

This from an e-mail from David Rosen, Director of Housing and Residence Life at Emerson College:

As some of you are aware, we have encountered a few blockages this semester that have led to toilets and sinks backing up into student suites. Facilities Management has located specific clogs utilizing a specially designed camera and discovered that products other than toilet paper have been flushed down residence hall toilets causing clogs to form in the pipes.

I suppose no one's always comfortable with how their tuition money is spent, but now I know that mine literally goes down the toilet...WHO EVEN MAKES A CAMERA THAT GOES DOWN A TOILET? It doesn't make any SENSE! Of course, this does explain the guy down the hall last night who yelled "You don't wanna go in there, there's so much poop," but I don't need a camera to tell you toilets are almost never clogged to the point of spilling over from mere fecal matter, or that, when bored, kids in their late teens and early 20s have been known to kill time by finding out just how much (insert any object that can be found in a dorm) you can flush before you run into trouble.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Scott Makes Pictures Move!

Somehow, that was the best title I could think of. They don't even really move, either. I suck. Anyway, my stills/audio project (the guidelines for which are just what you would guess from a name like "stills/audio") for Intro to Media Production is now complete. I could explain sort of what I did, but...I think it's pretty obvious...anyway, give it a gander, it took up the entirety of my weekend that didn't involve sleeping, Borat, or Babel, and it'll only take 2 minutes out of your day. It's in the "large" format, so those of you, do you think anyone even has dial-up anymore? Although my aunt and uncle just switched not even a year ago, so who am I to say.


Saturday, November 04, 2006

New Best Political Ad EVER

I don't know if this QUITE beats out "One Big Fiesta For Illegal Aliens and Homosexuals", but what this DOES have is just being increasingly strange, disturbing, and in that way...hilarious. I actually started laughing right in the middle of the computer lab at school.


The Greatest News I've Heard All...Weekish!


Not only is Bat Out of Hell one of the best mother-loving ROCK albums you'll ever hear in your life, not only does the whole thing feel epic on an almost Zeppelin-esque level, not only does it feature two of my favorite songs of all time ("Bat Out of Hell" and "Paradise By the Dashboard Light"), but it has THIS for an album cover.

Yes, for those of you unsure of of just what you are witnessing there, that is a muscle-bound hero riding a demon, rocket-powered motorcycle out of a grave. It doesn't say what the movie is ABOUT so much, but if it has anything to do with that cover, or really based on any of the songs on the album, it will be gold. GOLD I SAY!

Friday, November 03, 2006

There's Good. There's Great.

And then there's how immensely satisfied I am right now. You ever walk out of a meal that just pushed your buttons in every right way possible, and left you so full you could throw up, but you don't so it's kind of a good feeling, and you feel like a solid mass that nothing can shake? That's about how I feel.

I spent most of the day running errands for a film shoot I'm not even a part of, because my buddy asked me along and I figured it'd take a half hour, maybe an hour. It took four. So I didn't get back 'til after 8. I missed Scrubs. Tickets were definitely gonna be sold out for Borat (only in Boston would I be certain the 10:50 showing being sold out at 8). I missed dinner at the dining hall. My options, traditionally, in such a case are Burger King or Spike's (which is a late-night burger/hot dog joint that's actually pretty damn good), but I was in no mood for a burger. I needed something...satisfying.

So I walked over to Uno Chicago Grill for a steak. Not the best joint in town, but pretty f-ing good. And as far as steak go, it's one of the less expensive places. But their wait was 45 minutes. So I said "screw that," and walked down to American Joe's, which I can't believe I didn't think of in the first place because as far as upscale burgers and middle-scale steaks go, you could not possibly do better. They also have the best bread you'll ever have in your entire life.

So I walk in, and I'm like "how long for a table for 1?"

The manager was there up front, and replied with, and this is I swear to God a quote..."About 30 minutes, but I have one seat at the bar, it's full menu and non-smoking, and you can look at Lisa and talk to Jake." But he said "look at Lisa" in that sort of "nudge-nudge, wink-wink," sort of way that was just fantastic. Plus, I love being offered a seat at the bar (as much as I can't wait to turn 21 and actually be able to go into bars without fear, nothing beats the feeling of being offered the bar when you're underage).

The rest...well, the service was mind-blowing great. I mean, I've never sat at the bar, so maybe that's just how they roll, but seriously...the check was $26.50 and I tipped $7 without regret...I thought of kicking it to $8, but didn't quite go for it. And the steak was hardly one of the best I've ever had, but the experience as a whole, food certainly included, was definitely in the Top 5 Most Satisfying Dinner Experiences Ever.

Now I'm just gonna lay here and attempt to digest it.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Elisha Cuthbert in a Clockwork Orange Costume?

You bet your ass.

I am currently neck-deep in drawings for my animated (sorta) short movie for production (as messy as my bed usually is, it's insane tonight), and watching hours of Looney Tunes to get inspiration...I love these cartoons.

Tomorrow, I'm catching Borat, which EVERYONE is saying is beyond hilarious. Can't wait.

What else...nothing I can think of. Mainly just wanting to post the Cuthbert in the Clockwork Orange costume. Maybe that "Most Likely To..." about me was right after all.

The following are additions to the post above I thought of after the fact...

The Fandango (the ticket website) theme song was so stuck in my head that I actually went to their website. It's some sort of crazy, subliminal advertising I haven't seen before.

My sheets have become...let's just say it, they're filthy. I haven't washed them since I got here, which has, almost two months now. Way to go, me. Everytime I climb into bed I think, "wow, this is a mistake." Well, it's a weekend now, and weekends are my wash time.

I still haven't done all of the drawing for my movie...this is gonna be the best weekend ever!

P.S. It just occured to me that anyone reading this on Facebook never gets my embedded links. Well, sucks to be you guys...shows you should probably just be checking at the real page (which is in my profile).